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April 2003
Dinosaur Cartoonsby Charley Parker

Fans of dinosuars as well as fans of off-the-wall cartoons will love this collection of dinosaur cartoons br Charley Parker, creator of the long-running Argon Zark! Internet comic (also collected in a book from Arclight Publishing).

Parker's cartoons have been published in Saturday Review, New Woman, The Saturday Evening Post, The National Enquirer, Astronomy and a number of other magazines, including Asimov's Science Fiction, where many of the cartoons in this edition were originally published.

The drawings are charming, quite accomplished, and carry a surprising resremblence to real dinosaurs while still mainting a lighthearted feeling. The situations range from bizarre (Sherlock Holmes disguises himself as a dinosaur) to downright silly (a "Swiss Army Dinosaur" with numerous heads and tails). There is even a series of "Extinction Theories" and "Reasons the Dinosaurs Didn't Do Well During the Ice Age". For the most part the cartoons are gentle and goofy in a way that will appeal to children as well as adults.

With a collection of cartoons like this, particularly of animals behaving in odd ways, it's difficult not to make comparisons to The Far Side. The humor here is less dark, although often just as laugh-out-loud funny.

Dinosaur Cartoons
by Charley Parker
ISBN 0-9660532-1-4
Trade Paper 112 pages
$8.95 US

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